
Nonostante Marras: Suspended time

Saturday morning : we explored Milan less flashy but no less interesting, and after a brunch and cupcakes (which is so chic just to say) we stopped at “Nonostante Marras” shop in Via Cola di Rienzo.

Behind the anonymous main entrance of an austere and elegant building, passing through a small courtyard you enter in the world that has no time: furniture and sofas reminding of 40ties and 50ties , perfectly matched with furnishings such as lamps and vessels that look like the ones that in our youth we found in the homes of our grandmothers or aunts.

A big black and white picture of a lady immediately struck me. It’s like a family portrait that I was use do see when I was a child. : Images of past times when elegance was the everyday as the fashion department store me was still far away to me and the seamstress was most often a person of the family.

 This unique atmosphere perfectly fits for Marras's clothes; a tailoring that goes back to the 50's with details and perfection of packaging that leave amazed. Beautiful photographic prints, patterns and colors.

Sincerly it's nice to see that there is someone who can "make" fashon using fabrics and traditional lines .
In a world where so many people shout "visually" with their collections, Marras's clothes are like a whisper for women who want to feel feminine and elagant a d tasteful without any kind of vulgarity.

 Add to this an interesting selection of books, ranging from design to narrative, placed in a structure of drawers turned into shelves, and accessories such as the designer Tomoko Tokuda that turns dials of old clocks in "timeless"jewels .

When your are here , time seems to be suspended" , past and present come together, leaving a sense of serenity and warmth, feelings that are not usually felt in modern fashion showroom.

It is worth visiting if only to savor the atmosphere and, in this case words are not enough to decribe this little perfect world.